The Caribbean Restoration Road Map Initiative is a new 3-year partnership between the Atlantic and Gulf Rapid Reef Assessment Program (AGRRA), MPAConnect, coral restoration experts, and resource managers to expand coral rescue and restoration in the Caribbean, made possible with support from CORDAP.
As a first step, 30 marine resource managers and restoration practitioners from 16 Caribbean countries came together to begin to develop site-specific, science-based and management-relevant action plans. The planning framework included identifying measurable restoration goals and objectives, prioritizing and selecting restoration sites, learning about restoration approaches relevant for their goals, sharing lessons learned about various restoration approaches, and examining feasibility, opportunities and challenges of integrating and implementing restoration with overall management responsibilities.
Our Thanks
Thank you to all the coral restoration researchers, resource managers, and MPAConnect partners at the 2024 Caribbean Coral Restoration Road Map Meeting for coming together to catalyze regional coral restoration efforts within the Caribbean.
Thank you to CORDAP for supporting this inspiring and productive learning exchange. Together we can help advance coral reef rescue and rehabilitation.
Advancing Coral Reef Recovery through Collaboration and Connectivity
An Overview
Developing Coral Restoration Roadmaps for Caribbean Marine Protected Areas
June 9-14, 2024, Key West, Florida
PDF version
Restoration Topics
Roadmap Planning
Coral Restoration Road Maps: Expanding regional restoration of coral reefs in Caribbean Marine Protected Areas, Patricia Kramer
PDF: Day 3 Restoration Planning
PDF: Day 4 Integrating Restoration & Management
Case Example – Mission: Iconic Reefs, Sarah Fangman, Florida Keys National Marine Sanctuary
Benthic and Coral Reef Monitoring
Guiding Coral Rescue with Monitoring Data, Judy (Judith C.) Lang
Status of Caribbean Coral Reefs, Judy (Judith C.) Lang
Large-Area Imaging for Reef Monitoring
Large-area imaging of coral reefs for monitoring and restoration, Art Gleason
PDF: Large-area imaging of coral reefs for monitoring and restoration
Videos: Presentation Videos
Coral Spawning and Larval Propagation Techniques
Coral restoration using sexual recruits: state of knowledge, best practices, current techniques, Anastazia Banaszak, Rita Sellares, Elvira Alvarado
PDF: Coral restoration using sexual recruits: state of knowledge, best practices, current techniques
Videos: Presentation Videos
Spawning Predications, Based on Dr. Chamberland and Dr. Banaszak’s (SECORE International and Coralium Lab) CRC Larval Propagation Group Presentation, Rita Ines Sellares Blasco
PDF: Spawning Predictions
Ecosystem-Based Restoration of Corals and Herbivores
Approaches to improving coral survival cover, Stacey M. Williams
PDF: Approaches to improving coral survival cover
Videos: Presentation Videos | Lab Tour Videos
Not losing the forest for the trees: Integrating grazers into Mote’s holistic coral reef restoration strategy, Jason Spadaro
Videos: Presentation Videos
Coral Rescue & Rehabilitation
Coral Rescue Nurseries- Bayahibe, Dominican Republic – Rita Ines Sellares Blasco
Selection of Intervention Sites, Rita Ines Sellares Blasco
Costs and Challenges For EX Situ Sytems In Small Island States, Dominica, Simon Walsh
PDF: Costs and Challenges For EX Situ Sytems In Small Island States, Dominica
Videos: Lab Tour Video
Coral Rescue - Coral System Land base holding
Closed System Land Based Holding, Alizée Zimmermann
PDF: Closed System Land Based Holding
Videos: Presentation Videos
Coral Disease and Tissue Sampling Techniques
Fundamentals of invertebrate disease investigations, Michelle M Dennis
Responding to Risk
How to adapt restoration to climate vulnerability, Rita Ines Sellares Blasco
Dominica Response, 2023 Bleaching event, The Dominica Approach, Simon Walsh
PDF: Dominica Response, 2023 Bleaching event, The Dominica Approach
Videos: Presentation Videos
Integrating Restoration and MPA management
Recapping Management Capacity for Coral Restoration in the MPAConnect Network, Dana Wusinich-Mendez and Gabriela Ochoa
PDF: Recapping Management Capacity for Coral Restoration in the MPAConnect Network
Grounding coral restoration planning in MPA sustainable financing, Emma Doyle
PDF: Grounding coral restoration planning in MPA sustainable financing
Excel (XLS) File: Budget Template with sample graphics